Command & Conquer: Renegade

Command & Conquer: Renegade soundtrack Datum vydání: 2002 Skladatel: Frank Klepacki Minutáž: 47:53 Vydavatelství: EA Games Soundtrack
  1. Command & Conquer – 02:58 (Rescue and Retribution)
  2. Got a Present For Ya – 02:21 (Obelisk of Oppression)
  3. Sniper – 03:18 (Evolution of Evil)
  4. Act On Instinct (Remix) – 03:31 (Evolution of Evil – battle with Divine Raveshaw)
  5. Stomp – 02:53 (Tomorrow’s Technology Today, cut from Tiberian Sun)
  6. Sneak Attack – 03:47 (All Brains, No Brawn)
  7. Move It – 02:01 (Deadly Reunion)
  8. Dog Fight – 04:39 (The Plot Erupts – battle with Sakura)
  9. Packing Iron – 03:17 (Armored Assault)
  10. Industrial Ambient – 04:00 (Stowaway)
  11. Beach – 02:58 (MP Practice Mode – „Skirmish“ & Stomping on Holy Ground)
  12. Fight, Win, Prevail! (Remix) – 03:36
  13. Ammo Clip – 03:18 (The Plot Erupts)
  14. In The Line Of Fire (Remix) – 03:57 (Deadly Reunion – battle with Black Hand assault squads near cathedral)
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